Cond. Prob.: What is it?

Conditional probability is the probability of an event given that another event has occurred, expressed as P(A/B). It is used in scientific experiments and can be calculated by dividing the combined probability of the events by the probability of the second event. It has applications in medical research, engineering, and business analysis. Venn diagrams can […]

Bayesian Prob.?

Bayesian probability views likelihoods as probabilities, with subjective and objective schools. It emphasizes Bayes’ theorem and prior probability. False positives can result when the background incidence of a quality being tested is low. Bayesian probability is an approach to statistics and inference that views likelihoods as probabilities rather than frequencies. There are two primary schools […]

Joint prob?

Joint probability is the likelihood of two or more events happening together. The multiplication rule is used to calculate independent and dependent events. Independent events use P(A) x P(B), while dependent events use P(A) x P(B|A). Substitution can also affect the calculation. Joint probability (P) refers to the probability of two events occurring simultaneously, where […]

Prob. of default?

Financial institutions manage credit risk by measuring the probability of default, which is the likelihood of a borrower being unable to pay debts. Lenders use various factors to determine this probability, such as credit rating and current assets. To protect their profits, lenders impose high interest rates on risky loans. People with poor credit history […]

How to be a prob compiler?

Odds compilers use statistics to set odds for sporting events. They require a good understanding of risk management and may work alone or for internet gambling companies. Experience in the gaming industry or education in statistics can help someone become an odds compiler. Experience or education in statistics can help someone become a probability compiler […]

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