What’s procedural memory?

Procedural memory is the knowledge of how to perform certain activities or procedures, which become automatic with repetition. Declarative memory is fact-based and easily verbalized, with two subtypes: semantic and episodic. Procedural and declarative memory are controlled by different parts of the brain and can function independently. Procedural memories can shape a person’s character and […]

What’s Procedural Programming?

Procedural programming is a concise method of software development that focuses on achieving specific results through a series of necessary steps. It is often taught to beginners and can be used for large and complex applications, such as the Linux kernel and Apache server. Languages include C, Fortran, and Python. Procedural programming is a term […]

What’s procedural due process?

Procedural due process is the government’s method of determining whether to take action that would deprive a person of life, liberty, or property. It includes notice, a hearing, and the opportunity to object. The process varies by jurisdiction and interest at stake. Procedural due process is different from substantive due process, which examines the law […]

What’s the current procedural terminology?

CPT is a set of codes used for medical procedures in the US, licensed by the American Medical Association. It is used to describe medical treatments and practices and is divided into three categories. Category I is used for vaccines, Category II for standard treatments, and Category III for emerging technologies. CPT may also describe […]

What’s procedural justice?

Procedural justice refers to the fairness of legal procedures. It involves representation, consistency, impartiality, and balancing costs. Many nations strive for a fair justice system, but achieving it can be difficult due to factors like social bias and income inequality. Procedural justice is a legal concept that refers to the fairness of the procedures involved […]

What’s procedural law?

Procedural law governs court cases, ensuring fairness and consistency. It regulates jurisdiction, evidence, and appeals. It can disadvantage pro se parties due to its complexity. It differs from substantive law, which establishes rights and responsibilities. Procedural law is a term used to describe a set of rules governing how all aspects of a court case […]

What’s procedural archeology?

Process archaeology merges archaeology with cultural studies or anthropology to analyze change and the means by which it is achieved. It involves studying societies and the creation to decay process of objects. The approach is supported by scientific and anthropological methods and has broadened the scope of modern archaeology. Process archaeology has its roots in […]

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