Coin or bill: which is cheaper to produce?

Although a dollar coin costs more to make, it lasts much longer than a dollar bill. However, coins are heavier and less comfortable to use. The US spends $800 million annually on currency production, with $100 bills making up 80% of circulation and 37% of physical currency held outside the US. Although a dollar coin […]

Is the produce in season?

Knowing which fruits and vegetables are in season can be determined by using a chart, checking appearance and price, and considering the location. Eating in season is eco-friendly, tastier, and cheaper, with spring offering tender produce, summer bringing a variety of fruits, fall featuring dark leafy greens, and winter providing root vegetables and citrus fruits. […]

Does VW produce anything besides cars?

Volkswagen’s most popular product is not a car, but rather their award-winning currywurst sausage produced at their Wolfsburg plant. In 2018, over 6.81 million sausages were produced and served in VW canteens, sold in retail outlets, and even handed out by car dealerships. The spice-infused pork sausage is made using a secret recipe and is […]

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