Can cells be programmed like machines?

Xenobots, the first living robots created from stem cells of African clawed frog embryos, could have potential uses in healthcare and environmental protection. They are composed entirely of living matter and can perform simple tasks. However, ethical concerns must be addressed. Advances in preventive medicine and organ transplants have also been made. Have no fear, […]

What’s programmed cell death?

Programmed cell death, also known as apoptosis, is a process by which cells self-destruct to maintain homeostasis and development in animals and plants. It can have negative effects if triggered by viruses or not occurring properly, such as in cancer or HIV/AIDS. It is responsible for the development of individual fingers and toes in humans […]

What’s the programmed instruction?

Programmed instruction is a teaching method where material is presented in small steps, with feedback given for correct responses. It can be taught by an instructor or self-taught, and is effective for individual learning or small groups. It was popularized by BF Skinner in the 1950s as a behavioral approach to teaching. The programmed instruction […]

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