What’s a corporate promoter’s role?

A corporate promoter can be hired to solicit investors during a corporation’s startup phase or before going public. They have a fiduciary duty to act in good faith and can be compared to a broker. Licensed professionals can also act as promoters. A corporate promoter hires a company to help solicit investors. Typically, a promoter […]

What’s a party promoter’s role?

A party promoter is an entertainment professional who uses marketing and sales skills to attract visitors to an event, club or party. They can use various techniques such as flyers, social media and networking to attract a crowd. Maintaining a good relationship with club owners is essential for ongoing work. The size of the venue […]

What’s a Concert Promoter’s job?

A concert promoter is responsible for organizing and promoting music events, working for bands or venues. They generate interest through advertising and public relations, and handle various aspects of the show. Starting small is a common way to begin a career in concert promotion. Concerts and other music events demand a lot from backstage planning […]

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