How to be a county prosecutor?

To become a county attorney in the US, one needs a law degree, community involvement, and a good reputation for fairness and integrity. Criminal law and procedure are required courses in law school, and internships at prosecutor’s offices can be helpful. Starting as an assistant attorney and working up to handling misdemeanor and criminal cases […]

Types of public prosecutor jobs?

District attorneys have a team of assistant district attorneys, paralegals, law students, and staff to handle research, case investigation, and witness interviews. The DA oversees the team and decides which cases go to trial. Many jobs in the office do not require a law degree. There are several District Attorney (DA) jobs that help the […]

What’s a Fed Prosecutor?

Federal attorneys are licensed lawyers who can appear in federal courts in the US. Federal and state courts have different jurisdictions, and federal attorneys must be separately authorized to practice in federal court. States have their own laws, while the federal government can only legislate in certain areas, such as interstate commerce. Cases arising under […]

How to be a public prosecutor?

To become a public prosecutor, you need a law degree, approval to practice law in your jurisdiction, and experience requirements. You also need to pass a certification exam, apply for openings, and go through interviews and investigations. Gaining experience through internships and working in smaller jurisdictions can help. Public prosecutors are lawyers who prosecute court […]

What’s a special prosecutor?

A special prosecutor is a private lawyer appointed to investigate and prosecute government officials suspected of illegal activity, to avoid bias from government-employed prosecutors. Many countries use special prosecutors for this reason. Famous examples include Patrick Fitzgerald in the Scooter Libby case and Kenneth Starr in the Clinton scandals. A special prosecutor is a private […]

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