What’s Prostatitis?

Prostatitis is a condition causing swelling of the prostate gland, with bacterial types causing pain, fever, and difficulty urinating. Diagnosis involves a rectal exam and treatment includes antibiotics and pain medication. Type 3 is nonbacterial and has no clear treatment, but avoiding certain activities and taking anti-inflammatory medication can help. The condition is not sexually […]

Symptoms of chronic prostatitis?

Chronic prostatitis causes painful urination, ejaculation, and abdominal, lower back, and groin pain. It can also cause frequent urination, blood in urine/semen, fever, and fatigue. It’s caused by inflammation or injury to the prostate gland and can affect men of all ages. Symptoms can include chronic pelvic pain syndrome and discomfort in the pelvic area. […]

Nonbacterial prostatitis?

Nonbacterial prostatitis causes inflammation of the prostate gland, with symptoms including pain when urinating or ejaculating, frequent urination, and chronic pain in the groin area. Its causes are unknown, but may be related to immune system disorders, stress, or injury. Treatment involves home remedies or prescription medications. Nonbacterial prostatitis is a medical disorder that causes […]

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