What’s orthostatic proteinuria?

Orthostatic proteinuria is a benign condition where urine contains slightly higher levels of protein throughout the day, commonly found in children and adolescents. No treatment is required, but follow-up appointments are advised to monitor any potential complications. Patients should inform healthcare professionals of their condition to avoid unnecessary concern. Orthostatic proteinuria is a benign condition […]

What’s nephrotic proteinuria?

Nephrotic interval proteinuria is a condition where excessive amounts of protein are excreted in urine, often associated with nephrotic syndrome. Symptoms include foamy urine, swelling, and blood clots. Diagnosis requires urine tests, and it can be caused by various medical conditions. Nephrotic interval proteinuria is a condition in which a patient excretes excessive amounts of […]

What’s Bence-Jones proteinuria?

Bence-Jones proteinuria is the presence of Bence-Jones proteins in urine, which can indicate kidney dysfunction or cancer. Additional testing is needed to identify the cause, and treatment depends on the underlying condition. Bence-Jones proteinuria is the secretion of certain blood products, called Bence-Jones proteins, into the urine. A special test is needed to identify them […]

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