Sliding window protocol: what is it?

The sliding window protocol is used to transmit data in a specific order, with windows of time for sending packets. It ensures reliable transmission and regulates the order of packets, preventing chaos. The amount of information sent should exceed the connection delay for seamless transmission. The sliding window protocol is a method of transmitting data […]

What’s the Media Gateway Control Protocol?

MGCP is a protocol used in media conferences to set standards for speech and visual activity, aid in recording, and manage the session. It controls communication between the media gateway and gateway controller, with elements of IPDC and SGCP. Advanced versions like Megaco and H.248 allow for more ports and thousands of connections. Media Gateway […]

What’s an internal gateway protocol?

An internal gateway protocol (IGP) manages routing of network traffic within an autonomous system (AS) with multiple routers. Distance vector protocols calculate shortest paths based on hop count, while link state protocols share more information and converge faster. EIGRP combines both methods and considers bandwidth and speed. An internal gateway protocol (IGP) is a method […]

What’s IP or Internet Protocol?

The Internet Protocol (IPv4) assigns a unique address to every device connected to the internet, but IPv6 is being adopted due to the emergence of small wireless devices. The Domain Name System (DNS) links domain names to their IP addresses. The Internet Protocol is the set of techniques used by many hosts to transmit data […]

What’s a Protocol Analyzer?

Protocol analyzers monitor and interpret data on computer networks and storage devices, with different forms available. They can identify transmission errors and track security breaches. Bus analyzers monitor data on storage and computer hardware buses, including USB, RS 232, and PCI. They can optimize performance and identify equipment failures. A protocol analyzer is a system […]

What’s Serial Line Internet Protocol?

SLIP is a protocol for sending IP datagrams over a serial link, using unique byte markers. It lacks security and error handling, and PPP is now more commonly used. CSLIP compresses TCP headers, but PPP is a more robust solution. Serial Line Internet Protocol, also known by the acronym SLIP, is a means of sending […]

What’s a comms protocol?

A communication protocol is a set of rules used by computer systems and devices to pass information back and forth. It defines the format and syntax of transmitted data and can be implemented by software or hardware. Protocols can establish operating parameters and enable error detection and correction. They are often layered within a system […]

What’s the IEEE Protocol?

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) develops protocols for various technologies to standardize industries. IEEE member companies adhere to these protocols to ensure products work together. The IEEE produces protocols for a range of sectors, including biometrics and shipping. The IEEE was formed in 1963 and is divided into societies, councils, and committees, […]

What’s VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)?

VoIP, or Voice over IP, is a cost-saving technology that allows for voice and data transfer over the internet. It solves latency issues and offers additional benefits like multi-party calling and file sharing. The market is expected to expand rapidly, with even traditional phone networks offering VoIP services. VoIP is a popular buzzword these days. […]

What’s protocol overhead?

Protocol overhead is the extra information that must be sent with data across a network. Network packets contain data and information for the receiver, but also have overhead from network protocols. TCP/IP has significant overhead, and wireless protocols have large headers that reduce available bandwidth. Protocol overhead in computer networks refers to the information that […]

What’s the Bruce Protocol?

The Bruce Protocol is a diagnostic test for heart and lung diseases, involving walking on a treadmill at increasing speeds and inclines. It is considered an accurate tool for diagnosing cardiovascular and respiratory problems. The test is stopped if the patient experiences chest pain, dizziness, extreme fatigue, or drastic blood pressure changes. Monitoring of vital […]

What’s Western Blot Protocol?

The Western blot protocol is used to detect proteins in a tissue sample. It involves tissue collection, gel electrophoresis, protein transfer, binding, and detection. The process separates native proteins by determining the lengths of the polypeptides using a gel electrophoresis. The proteins themselves are then transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane and probed by antibodies. The […]

What’s a binding protocol?

A Memorandum of Association is a document used in the incorporation process to define a new company’s relationship with the world. It used to require more details, but now focuses on the statement that a group wants to establish a company and share capital. It may include provisions for additional information and can be used […]

What is the Elders of Zion protocol?

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is a literary forgery that promotes an alleged Jewish conspiracy for world domination. It has been considered an anti-Semitic hoax since its first publication in 1903. Despite being debunked, it continues to spread as an authentic text and has been used for propaganda by the Nazis and Hamas. […]

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