What’s psychic trauma?

Psychic trauma can cause mental distress or disorder later in life, with events such as public humiliation, physical abuse, and abandonment being common causes. Phobias, panic attacks, depression, and hallucinations can manifest as a result. The cause of psychic trauma varies, and infants are particularly vulnerable. Diagnosing psychic trauma is difficult, and care must be […]

What’s Psychic Meditation?

Psychic meditation aims to enhance mental abilities beyond the five senses by accessing the subconscious. It can lead to heightened psychic perception, but is not recommended for beginners. Some practitioners use crystals or focus on energy centers to awaken psychic abilities. Psychic meditation is a form of meditation that aims to give the practitioner greater […]

Become a pet psychic?

Becoming a pet psychic involves learning about animals, developing psychic abilities through classes and workshops, and gaining hands-on experience. It is recommended to practice on your own pet before working with others and advertising your services. Unlike many other careers, there is no set path to becoming a pet psychic. Instead, you generally spend time […]

Psychic abilities: any proof?

The US National Academy of Sciences concluded in 1985 that there is no scientific evidence for psychic abilities. Most scientists argue that any apparent support is due to chance, falsification, or poor experimental design. A 2008 study found no neural responses to psychic abilities. The famous Zener cards have rarely shown results better than chance. […]

Psychic animals: what are they?

Pet psychics believe in communicating telepathically with pets to understand their behavior and feelings. They work remotely using photos or telephone, sending telepathic messages in the form of images. Animal telepathy can be learned by anyone with the will to engage in it. Pet psychics, also known as intuitive animals or animals, believe that it […]

What’s a psychic?

Psychics can perceive things beyond normal senses, including psychometry, clairvoyance, and precognition. Some use their abilities to help solve crimes, while others may be fraudulent. Psychic abilities have been associated with witchcraft and are studied by parapsychologists, but their existence remains controversial. A psychic in the strict sense is a person who is able to […]

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