[ad_1] Private investment in public equity (PIPE) is a financial arrangement where a company issues public securities to an investor at a price below market value to raise additional capital. PIPE deals can involve stocks, bonds, or convertible debt and can be advantageous for smaller companies. However, they have been scrutinized for potential insider trading […]
[ad_1] Partial public financing systems are commonly used in US presidential primary elections, but less frequently in general elections. Candidates must meet certain criteria, including spending limits and raising $5,000 in each state. Minor party candidates may receive partial public funding based on previous election results or current popularity. Partial public financing systems are campaign […]
[ad_1] A public exchange is a trading venue open to all buyers and sellers, offering a limited or broad range of goods and services. It can be operated by third parties and focused on specific products or allow for diverse offerings. The goal is to connect those with something to offer to those who can […]
[ad_1] Government debt can take many forms and includes external debt owed to other countries or organizations, and domestic debt owed to individuals, businesses, and financial institutions. Short-term and long-term debt sustainability is important, and deficit spending can lead to high levels of debt that can cause economic consequences. Government debt consists of debts owed […]
[ad_1] The Community and Public Sector Union is a major Australian trade union with over 160,000 members in various occupations. It grew through mergers and campaigning, and offers benefits such as discounts and insurance programs. Membership is limited to those with collective bargaining agreements. The union includes some private sector employees due to logistical quirks […]
[ad_1] Public health nutritionists ensure the community’s nutritional needs are met, often associated with government agencies, identifying and solving local problems, enforcing nutrition policies, and teaching basic nutrition. A degree in food and nutrition and certification as a registered dietitian are required. Opportunities can be found through local municipalities and networking sites. Public health nutritionists […]
[ad_1] Academic libraries associated with universities and colleges have extensive collections, but access may be restricted. Some allow public access with restrictions, while others do not. Special collections may require permission and supervision due to fragile or irreplaceable items. Check the library’s website or write to request access. Academic libraries are libraries associated with universities […]
[ad_1] Public Sector Enterprises (PSUs) are government-owned and operated companies, providing a range of goods and services to the public. They may or may not be required to earn a profit and are subject to specific regulations. Public Sector Enterprises (PSUs) are companies owned and operated by a local, state or national government. The term […]
[ad_1] Public transport jobs include drivers for buses, taxis, and other vehicles, as well as boat operators and airline personnel. Mechanics are also needed for ongoing maintenance and repair. Training and licensing requirements vary by industry and region. Perhaps the most common public transport jobs available are drivers. A driver can operate a bus, taxi, […]
[ad_1] Many people fear public speaking more than death or public nudity, but with practice and tips for managing anxiety, it can become easier. Speaking more in public, taking courses, and learning about the topic can all help improve public speaking skills. In many unscientific surveys, fear of public speaking even surpasses fear of public […]
[ad_1] The Office of Public Debt manages the borrowing of funds for the US government, tracks government debt, and sells and manages Treasury securities. It conducts auctions and offers savings bonds through Treasury Direct. Treasury securities are considered safe investments backed by the US government. The Office of Public Debt is an agency of the […]
[ad_1] Prosecutors represent the government in court and can work at local, state, or federal levels. They may specialize in certain types of crimes and can also work in administrative agencies. To become a prosecutor, one must graduate from law school and pass the bar exam. A prosecutor is someone who represents the government or […]
[ad_1] The Office of Public Debt manages the sale and management of Treasury securities, borrowing about $2 trillion annually. It conducts auctions and tracks total government debt, and is headquartered in Washington, DC. Treasury securities are a safe investment backed by the US government. The Office of Public Debt is an agency of the United […]
[ad_1] Certified Public Officials (CPOs) are legally recognized and empowered to perform their duties at state and local levels. The process for becoming a CPO varies by jurisdiction, but typically involves education and training programs to ensure they understand their responsibilities. CPOs are accountable to their hierarchy and constituency, and open communication is encouraged to […]
[ad_1] Public theology seeks to incorporate a secular approach to religious studies in order to seek truth through religion and scientific discovery, and to benefit society as a whole. It is influenced by Jürgen Habermas’s ideas on critical social theory and aims to counter the rise of fundamentalist Christianity. Proponents analyze modern society and focus […]
[ad_1] Becoming a public safety officer varies by jurisdiction, but generally requires a high school diploma, completion of a law enforcement academy, and possibly a degree in criminal justice. Additional education can lead to more opportunities for advancement. Physical fitness is also important. The process and requirements for becoming a public safety officer vary greatly […]
[ad_1] Choosing a public policy graduate school depends on career goals and interests, with MPP and doctorate programs available. Professional organizations like APPAM and NASPAA can provide information and databases of accredited programs. MPP focuses on policy management and analysis, while a doctorate is for research and quantitative analysis. Other factors to consider include study […]
[ad_1] A public book is a list of orders to buy or sell securities, maintained by an order book officer. It contains limit orders and is used by market makers to facilitate order fulfillment. The book is closed, and details are only available to the staff member who maintains it. A public book is a […]
[ad_1] Public libraries provide free resources for research, literacy education, and events. Funding comes from national, state, and local sources, grants, and private donations. Budget cuts threaten library survival, making community support important through volunteering or donating. Public libraries are an excellent resource for research, literacy education, and reading-oriented events. Most cities have one or […]
[ad_1] Many people fear public speaking, but there are strategies to overcome it. Realize that you are your own worst enemy and that your audience wants to hear what you have to say. Burn off nervous energy beforehand and approach the presentation as a team. Come prepared and remember that mistakes are not the end […]