What’s pupillary response?

The pupillary response is the change in the size of the pupil due to various stimuli, including changes in light, focus, and drug use. The pupillary light reflex is important for medical diagnosis. Pupillary response also occurs when changing focus, and measuring it is important for diagnosing eye and nervous system problems. The pupillary response […]

What’s pupillary distance?

Pupillary distance is the distance between the centers of the pupils of the eyes, which is important for properly fitting eyeglasses. It can be measured by eye care professionals or at home with a ruler. Optometrists may exclude pupil distance measurements from prescriptions to encourage patients to order glasses through their office. Incorrectly fitted glasses […]

What’s an afferent pupillary defect?

Afferent pupillary defect is an eye condition where one eye is less sensitive to light, indicating optic nerve damage or other eye problems. The oscillating light test can identify this defect, and doctors must be careful in the exam. Treatment may include glaucoma medications or surgery. Patients may not be aware of the condition before […]

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