What’s a Puppet?

Marionettes are jointed puppets moved by strings, with Czech, Italian, and German puppets being famous. Puppets date back to ancient Egypt and Greece, made from various materials. Skilled artists can teach puppet manipulation, and high-quality dolls have ornate clothing. Puppet plays were popular in Europe in the 1800s and still continue in some theaters, such […]

What’s a sock puppet site?

A sock puppet website is a site created to support a fake personality, used for viral marketing, astroturfing, or to undermine opposing views. It can be difficult to identify, but investigating the “about us” section and language used can provide clues. A sock puppet website is a website created to support an artificial personality, known […]

What’s Balinese puppet theater?

Balinese shadow puppetry, or Wayang, is a popular performance style in Bali, Indonesia, using puppets moved behind a lighted screen. The two most common types of puppets are wayang golek and wayang kulit. Performances are often based on Hindu texts and can last several hours. The puppets are handled by a master puppeteer called a […]

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