What’s a photo puzzle?

A photo jigsaw puzzle can be challenging due to similar colors, but the finished scene can be breathtaking. Use a portable surface or puzzle holder to avoid ruining progress. Personalize with favorite photos and assemble by starting with the frame and identifying unique areas. Enjoy the process and display as art. A photo jigsaw is […]

What’s a puzzle jug?

The puzzle jug is a medieval drinking game with perforations around the neck, challenging players to drink without spilling. A hidden tube inside the jug allows for drinking without spilling, and some jugs have additional holes. Puzzle jugs are descendants of other medieval drinking games and can be traced back to 13th century France. They […]

What’s the Equity Premium Puzzle?

The equity premium puzzle refers to the phenomenon where real returns on equity are much higher than government bonds, and experts disagree on whether it is a true mystery or a normal market response. The puzzle may be caused by factors such as investor perceptions or flawed risk aversion models, but there is no universal […]

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