What’s a Terry Quest?

The US Constitution’s 4th amendment protects against unreasonable searches and seizures. In Terry v. Ohio, the Supreme Court established the “Terry search” exception, allowing law enforcement to briefly search a suspect’s outer clothing for weapons if they have reasonable suspicion. The search must be based on a reason to think the suspect may be armed. […]

What’s the Viking Quest?

The Viking Mission was a NASA program that sent two vehicles, Viking I and Viking II, to Mars in 1975. The mission aimed to gather information about the planet’s atmosphere, surface, and potential for life. It also provided high-resolution images of Mars and contributed to future missions. The last component was shut down in 1982. […]

Pilgrimage vs. Quest: What’s the difference?

The terms quest and pilgrimage are distinct in literature, with a pilgrimage having a specific destination while a quest is a search for something unknown. Pilgrimages have a roadmap and prepare the spirit for interaction with the divine, while quests test one’s readiness to find what they seek. In literature, works can represent either a […]

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