Microwave Radiation: What is it?

Microwaves are electromagnetic rays that can pass through non-metallic materials and are absorbed by high water content foods, producing heat. Microwave ovens work by converting electrical energy into microwave radiation, which is absorbed by the food. They do not make food radioactive, but can cause burns and other injuries to body tissue. It is important […]

Radiation tech: what’s the job?

Radiation protection technicians monitor and control radiation exposure in various environments, including healthcare, research, and nuclear power plants. They evaluate radiological materials, handle radiation badges, provide safety training, and participate in safety system design. A high school diploma and two years of experience are typically required, and professional organizations offer continuing education opportunities. A radiation […]

Radiation Poisoning: What is it?

Radiation poisoning, or acute radiation syndrome (ARS), is caused by excessive exposure to ionized radiation and can permanently affect cells in the body. Symptoms include severe nausea, vomiting, fever, fatigue, hair loss, and possible death. There is no cure for radiation sickness, and those with chronic exposure have a higher risk of developing cancers and […]

What’s Optical Radiation?

Optical radiation includes ultraviolet, visible, and infrared radiation, and can be emitted by artificial lighting devices. Exposure to certain types of radiation can be harmful to human health, so it is important to understand and regulate it in workplaces. The European Parliament and Council have issued a directive on artificial optical radiation to ensure safety […]

What’s black body radiation?

Black-body radiation is emitted by objects based on their temperature. A black body absorbs all incoming radiation and emits radiation only based on its temperature. Real-world objects reflect some radiation, but hot black bodies emit visible light while cool ones emit infrared. Thermal radiation is proportional to an object’s absolute temperature to the fourth power. […]

Radiation, convection, and conduction: what’s the link?

Heat can be transferred through radiation, convection, and conduction. Convection and conduction require matter, while radiation does not. Heat is transferred when hotter materials contact cooler ones, and this continues until they reach thermal equilibrium. Conduction occurs when faster-moving particles transfer energy to slower-moving ones, while convection occurs when particles with more thermal energy move […]

Atmospheric Radiation: What is it?

Atmospheric radiation is studied to understand current and historical conditions, climate change, and other topics. The sun emits energy in limited bands that penetrate the atmosphere, which researchers study to understand Earth’s history and changes in life. Researchers use instruments to measure atmospheric radiation and observe the sun’s energy. Understanding atmospheric radiation is important for […]

What’s black body radiation?

A black body absorbs all electromagnetic radiation and its color is determined by its temperature. Blackbody radiation is important in quantum mechanics and is emitted by black holes. The emission spectrum of black-body radiation led to the discovery of quantized electromagnetic radiation and the development of quantum mechanics. In physics, a black body is an […]

What’s Acute Radiation Syndrome?

Acute radiation syndrome (ARS) is caused by short-term exposure to high doses of radiation, with symptoms including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Recovery depends on the nature and dosage of radiation, and prevention involves avoiding high-dose sources. Treatment focuses on supportive care, and those who recover may experience long-term health complications. First responders are at increased […]

What’s background radiation?

Background radiation is present everywhere in the environment, mostly from natural sources like the earth’s crust and radioactive gases. Ionizing radiation from human activities like nuclear weapons and power plants can be harmful. Cosmic rays and radon gas also contribute to background radiation. Human activities like radioluminescent paints, nuclear fuel recycling, and medical devices also […]

Radiation therapist’s job?

Radiation therapists treat cancer patients using ionizing radiation. They develop treatment plans, operate equipment, and observe patient response. Certification and licensing requirements vary by country. Radiation therapists work with radiation oncologists and physicists, and can specialize in brachytherapy or radiosurgery. A radiation therapist uses the process of ionizing radiation to treat cancer patients. Radiation therapists […]

Terrestrial radiation: what is it?

Terrestrial radiation is electromagnetic energy from the Earth and its atmosphere, including radioactive elements like radon, uranium, and thorium. It creates a background radiation that can fluctuate by location, but is not always harmful. Scientists use baseline levels to identify new sources and understand their impact on human, plant, and animal life. Earth’s radiation level […]

What’s Secondary Radiation?

Secondary radiation is a byproduct of X-ray use, emitted randomly by substances after exposure. It has been studied since the early 20th century and can be produced with any solid, liquid, or gas. It is weaker than X-rays and there is no evidence of harm from exposure. Speculation about permanent damage is unfounded. Secondary radiation […]

Ionizing vs. non-ionizing radiation: what’s the difference?

All energy is radiation, with two types: ionizing and non-ionizing. Ionizing radiation is more dangerous than non-ionizing radiation, but has medical benefits. Ionization removes electrons from atoms, causing molecular damage and cancer. Non-ionizing radiation can still excite atoms and cause burns. The sun produces both types, with radon gas contributing the largest proportion of ionizing […]

Radiation therapy jobs?

Radiation therapists administer cancer treatment using high-energy radiation. There are four main classes of radiation therapy jobs, with varying education and experience requirements. Only radiation therapy technologists should perform tasks under strict supervision, and the chief technologist manages all radiation therapists on a hospital campus. Most people start out as assistants and can advance through […]

Cell Phone Radiation: What is it?

Cell phone radiation is non-ionizing and generally considered harmless in the short term, but the long-term effects are unknown. There is controversy over whether it could increase the risk of cancer or brain tumors. The amount of radiation emitted depends on the frequency and whether the device uses analog or digital signals. Legal restrictions limit […]

Radiation Dermatitis: What is it?

Radiation dermatitis is a skin disease caused by radiation therapy for cancer treatment, affecting most patients. There are three types, with chronic radiodermatitis having the highest chance of developing into cancer. Treatment requires a dermatologist’s assistance. Radiation dermatitis is a skin disease that develops when a patient undergoes radiation therapy for cancer treatment. It affects […]

Radiation physicist’s job?

Radiation physicists ensure the safe and effective operation of medical devices that use radiation sources. They monitor radiation levels, test equipment, and recommend safe doses for patients. Requirements vary, but most hold a degree in medical physics or radiation biology and must gain hands-on experience. Continuing education is important for advancement. A radiation physicist ensures […]

What’s radiation cystitis?

Radiation cystitis is inflammation of the bladder lining caused by radiation therapy. Symptoms include pain, reduced bladder function, and blood in urine. Treatment includes medication, diet, exercise, and surgery. Symptoms can be acute or chronic, and diagnosis is through urine tests and cytoscopy. Radiation cystitis is a condition in which complications of radiation therapy cause […]

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