Bend radius?

Bend radius measures the flexibility of materials and is critical for manufacturers in selecting materials that can withstand long-term pressures. It is calculated on pipes, tubes, cables, and other objects to show maximum safe curvature. Bend radius is important for underground utilities to avoid damage to internal components. A bend radius is the inward force […]

What’s a degree radius?

Grade beams are heavy-duty concrete beams used to distribute the weight of a building over unstable ground. They can be supported by pipe piles and are designed to minimize deflection. Engineers design them based on local building codes and site conditions to maximize safety. They reduce the risk of building sinking or settling, reduce maintenance […]

What’s an angular radius?

Angular beams are directional sound waves used to test welds and metal components for defects. The equipment consists of a wedge and transducer, with different wedges pointing the beam at different angles. Transducers must be set at a specific frequency depending on the material being tested. Wedges can be curved for more accurate readings on […]

What’s a Radius Gauge?

Radius gauges are tools used to measure or check convex and concave radius profiles. They consist of steel inserts or blades with different cutouts or protrusions representing known radii. They are used in machining operations and to establish the exact radius of machined profiles on existing parts. Large range gauges use a flat, flexible strip […]

What’s the rotation radius?

The radius of rotation is the distance between an axis and the point of maximum inertia in a rotating system. It has applications in structural, mechanical, and molecular engineering. Different formulas are used for different applications, such as using mass or cross-sectional area to calculate the radius. In molecular engineering, the gyradius polymer represents the […]

Bohr radius?

The Bohr radius is the smallest possible radius of an electron orbiting the nucleus in a hydrogen atom, based on Niels Bohr’s atomic model. It is still useful in physics, but current theories describe electron location in terms of shells. The radius is calculated using several factors, but does not account for low mass correction. […]

What’s atomic radius?

Atomic radius measures the distance between the nucleus and outer edge of electrons. It varies depending on bonding and position on the periodic table. Helium has the smallest radius, while cesium has the largest. Covalently bonded atoms have different radii than touching atoms. Atomic radius is based on the principle that atoms are spheres, and […]

What’s Radius Calculation?

Beam calculation measures the stress and deflection of a structural beam under load. Factors include beam characteristics, loading, and supports. Material choice, cross-sectional shape, and force per unit length are also considered. Boundary conditions depend on beam support type. The Euler-Bernoulli beam equation describes the relationship between deflection and static load. Load tables and beam […]

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