Radon remediation: what is it?

Radon remediation reduces radon levels in facilities to decrease health risks. Radon is a colorless, odorless gas that can cause lung cancer. Radon tests can reveal dangerous levels, and remediation includes venting and installing radon-resistant systems. Testing for radon before buying a facility can help negotiate a lower price or include remediation as a condition […]

Radon poisoning: what is it?

Radon gas, which occurs naturally from uranium decay in soil, can cause lung cancer if present in high levels in homes. Testing and remediation measures are available. Symptoms of radon poisoning are similar to those of lung cancer, and treatment options include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. Radon poisoning is a type of poisoning that results […]

Uranium & radon: what’s the link?

Uranium and radon are naturally occurring radioactive elements. Radon is a heavy gas that is an intermediate product of uranium decay. Exposure to uranium and radon can have health consequences, with radon being a more serious hazard. Radon levels in homes depend on various factors, and a level of 4 pCi/L or higher is considered […]

Radon symptoms: what are they?

Radon gas, a byproduct of uranium found naturally in soil, can accumulate in poorly ventilated spaces and cause lung cancer. Symptoms are nonspecific, making early diagnosis difficult. Testing kits are available, and preventative measures include ventilation and sealing cracks. Radon gas is present in the air in varying quantities. High levels of radon gas in […]

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