What’s an industrial railway?

Industrial railways are private lines used to transport goods to and from industrial sites. They are typically short in length, but exceptions exist, such as the iron ore industrial railway in Western Australia and the sugarcane production process in Cuba. Special locomotives are designed for narrow gauge length industrial railways. The NASA railway in Florida […]

What’s a cog railway?

A rack railway uses a toothed center track and gear to create more traction for the train, allowing it to navigate steep grades. They are used in practical applications and as novelties for tourists. Speed is limited, but safety is increased due to excellent braking ability. Rack railways are used where other vehicles cannot navigate, […]

What’s a mountain railway?

Mountain railways use different methods to climb steep gradients, including rack railways, cable cars, and funiculars. A rack railway uses a toothed center track to prevent the train from losing grip, while a cable car is connected to a stationary motor by cable. A funicular uses two carriages of equal weight connected by cable to […]

What’s the Railway Labor Act?

The Railway Labor Act was passed in 1926 to manage labor relations in the railway sector and was amended in 1936 to include the airline industry. Its goal is to prevent strikes by replacing mediation, bargaining, and arbitration. The act classifies disputes into major and minor, and strikes over minor issues are effectively prohibited. The […]

Trans-Siberian Railway: What is it?

The Trans-Siberian Railway spans 8 time zones and covers 5,772 miles, connecting Moscow with the Russian Far East and several Asian countries. It was built between 1891 and 1916 and electrified between 1929 and 2002. The railway boosted the economy of Siberian cities, and now attracts tourists from around the world. There are three travel […]

What is a turntable in railway terms?

Turntables are circular platforms used to turn locomotives and rolling stock. They were developed because early steam locomotives were difficult to operate in reverse. Most modern locomotives have a reverse gear, but turntables are still used where steam locomotives are used or space to maneuver is limited. Laneways are triangular tracks that allow trains to […]

Railway apprentice’s job?

Rail apprenticeship programs offer paid training for careers in the rail industry, with classroom and hands-on learning. Apprentices can specialize in maintenance, safety, inspection, or operations. Tasks grow in complexity as skills develop. Many public and private rail institutions around the world offer apprenticeship programs designed to train new employees for careers in the rail […]

What’s the role of Railway Police?

Railway police are responsible for maintaining security on trains and associated locations. They have the same authority as government police officers and work to ensure public safety. Railway policing has a long history and requires the same training as other peace officers. They deal with issues such as trespassing, traffic control, and vandalism, and can […]

What was the UG railway?

The Underground Railroad was a covert network that helped fugitive slaves escape to freedom in the North and Canada. It was run by citizens who provided food, shelter, and transportation, and used railroad jargon for code. White abolitionists and African Americans were involved, and the operation was highly successful, with an estimated 100,000 slaves escaping […]

Railway engineer’s job?

Railway engineers are responsible for safely operating locomotives, checking equipment, and understanding the route and train handling. They must pass a written and skills test and can lose their license for serious violations. In general, a railway engineer is responsible for the safe handling of a locomotive and compliance with railroad rules and regulations. Once […]

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