Natural nuclear reactors: fact or fiction?

In 1972, a natural nuclear fission reactor was discovered in Gabon, Africa, where uranium and geological conditions triggered chain reactions lasting a few hundred thousand years. The reactor produced modest energy, and the radioactive byproducts have been safely contained for nearly 2 billion years, proving long-term geological storage of nuclear waste is feasible. In 1972, […]

What are Batch Reactors?

Batch reactors are tanks used for chemical or biological reactions, where all ingredients are added at once. They are used for wastewater treatment, pharmaceutical production, and fermentation. Aeration and temperature control may be necessary. Sequential batch reactors are used in wastewater treatment plants, while fed-batch reactors combine batch and continuous reactors. Batch reactors are tanks […]

What nuclear reactors exist?

This article looks at the classification schemes for nuclear reactors, including the type of nuclear reaction, moderator material, coolant, generation, fuel phase, fuel type, and use. It focuses on fission reactors, which have been in use for over 60 years, and distinguishes between thermal and fast neutron reactors. Other classification schemes include generation, fuel phase, […]

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