What’s a Script Reader’s job?

Script readers provide critiques of scripts for production companies. They identify strengths and weaknesses, make recommendations, and summarize the story. Script readers work quickly and effectively, often reading more than one script a day. They may have production training or start as assistants. A script reader reads scripts with the aim of providing what is […]

What do PDA readers seek?

Palm readers use hand lines and shapes to determine life expectancy, love, and attitude. The life line indicates health and longevity, the head line shows intelligence and philosophy, and the heart line reveals emotional capacity. Hand shape is also considered. Palm readers look at many parts of the hand to conduct a reading. Specifically, the […]

What’s a Reader’s Copy?

A reader’s copy is an unedited hardcover proof of a book or manuscript that is released to a limited audience, including bookstores and reviewers. It is a promotional tool for unknown authors and a way for booksellers to be exposed to new genres and authors. Reader’s copies are often shared among employee staff in independently […]

What’re Bathroom Readers?

Bathroom readers enjoy short, easy-to-read material such as Uncle John’s bathroom books, Guinness Book of Records, magazines, comics, and books by columnists. Children can benefit from picture books and potty training books. Avoid high-value books and cookbooks in the bathroom. Bathroom readers are people who read in the bathroom or books designed specifically for bathroom […]

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