What’s Recombinant DNA?

Recombinant DNA is created by inserting DNA strands into a different set of DNA, used in genetic modification to create new organisms. It was first developed in the 1970s and is introduced into organisms via a vehicle or through methods like microinjection and biolistics. It is used to introduce specific characteristics into cultures, bacteria, and […]

Recombinant bacteria: what are they?

Recombinant bacteria have altered DNA through genetic engineering, often using a vector like a plasmid or virus. Escherichia coli is commonly used for cloning experiments, and overexpression techniques are used to produce medically important proteins. Genetically modified bacteria can be used in bioremediation to break down pollutants and treat contaminated soil and waste in bioreactors. […]

Types of recombinant DNA technology?

Recombinant DNA technology inserts foreign DNA into organisms for genetic study and improvement. Three methods are used: bacterial transformation, non-bacterial transformation, and phage injection. It is not about creating “unnatural” organisms, but obtaining information to improve human health. Recombinant DNA technology comprises a group of methods that insert foreign deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) into organisms, both […]

What’s a Recombinant Plasmid?

Plasmids are circular DNA found in bacteria that replicate independently of the host’s DNA. Recombinant plasmids are used to clone genes and express large amounts of known genes. Transformation and electroporation introduce DNA into cells. Recombinant plasmids require a selectable marker, origin of replication, and special sequences for restriction enzymes. New kits use engineered bacterial […]

What’s Recombinant Protein Production?

Recombinant protein production uses DNA techniques to produce proteins in large quantities for laboratory and industrial use. It is used to produce human growth hormone and insulin, and involves inserting genes into vectors and inducing overexpression in host cells. Expression vectors have promoters to make large amounts of protein, and purification is facilitated with tags […]

What’s Recombinant DNA Tech?

Recombinant DNA technology combines DNA from two sources to create a new molecule, which can be cloned for therapeutic or reproductive purposes. It has potential uses in medicine, agriculture, and environmental monitoring, but is controversial due to ethical concerns. Recombinant DNA technology is a technology that allows DNA to be produced by artificial means. The […]

What’s a recombinant antigen?

Recombinant antigens, made up of different proteins, stimulate immune responses and are used in vaccines. Some antigens provide lifelong protection, while others need periodic boosters. The human body can produce its own antigens, including in cancer cells. Drug-resistant bacteria create dangerous recombinant antigens that can spread. Recombinant antigens are important in medicine but can also […]

What’s Recombinant Protein Expression?

Recombinant protein expression is a technique used in molecular biology and pharmaceutical production to produce proteins from recombinant DNA. This involves introducing carefully selected DNA sequences into host cells to initiate gene expression and produce the desired protein. The expressed proteins must be purified from destroyed cell parts, and this technology has broad commercial and […]

What’s a Recombinant Antibody?

Recombinant antibodies are produced by inserting DNA fragments into organisms using recombinant DNA technology. They can be used for medical research and pharmaceutical development. Companies sell them, and they can be used to treat diseases and identify reactive antigens. Controlled conditions are required for production. A recombinant antibody is an antibody produced by the use […]

What’s Recombinant Cloning?

Recombinant cloning combines DNA sequences not found naturally, often using bacteria and a vector like a plasmid. Restriction endonucleases cut and recombine DNA, allowing for gene expression and large-scale protein production. There are practical applications, but some uses are controversial. Recombinant cloning usually refers to recombinant DNA techniques. This involves combining DNA sequences that would […]

What’s a Recombinant Protein?

Recombinant proteins are made from manipulated DNA of another organism. They are used to treat genetic defects and produced in hosts like bacteria, yeast, and mammalian cells. Vectors are used to insert targeted DNA into host DNA, and tags are used for recognition during purification. The host cells can be grown in a laboratory and […]

What’s Recombinant Expression?

Recombinant expression uses DNA transcription to create proteins from an artificial gene. This process is used in genetic research, agriculture, and pharmaceuticals. The gene can be inserted into an organism’s genetic code, and if successful, the body will produce the intended protein. Recombinant expression is a process that allows an artificial gene, also known as […]

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