Child vaccinations: what’s recommended?

Children are recommended to receive five different vaccinations, including hepatitis B, HiB, IPV, PCV, and DTaP, at various times during their first year of life. Most vaccinations involve multiple doses and follow-up injections later in life. Hepatitis B, HiB, IPV, and PCV vaccines are given at 2, 4, and 6 months, with follow-up shots given […]

What’s the daily recommended dose?

The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) estimates the amount of nutrients needed for good health, but does not consider individual health problems or stress. It is not intended to treat disease, but consuming more nutrients can reduce disease risk. The RDA varies by age, gender, and pregnancy/lactation status. The Recommended Dietary Allowance, also known as the […]

Recommended blood glucose levels for diabetes?

Blood glucose levels for diabetes vary throughout the day. Insulin resistance occurs when the body produces too much insulin to break down glucose. Controlling blood glucose levels involves a healthy diet, exercise, and monitoring sugar levels. Type 2 diabetes is treatable, but exact levels vary by individual. The recommended blood glucose levels for diabetes vary […]

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