Hardest sports record to break?

Jahangir Khan holds the record for the longest unbeaten streak in professional sports, winning 555 consecutive squash matches from 1981 to 1986. He won six world championships and 10 British Open titles, starting the streak at 18 years old. Other notable sports records include Vince Carter’s 22-season NBA career, John Isner’s 11-hour tennis match, and […]

Longest pro tennis match record?

The longest professional tennis match was 11 hours and 5 minutes, between John Isner and Nicolas Mahut at Wimbledon in 2010. Isner won with a final score of 70-68 in the fifth set, and served 112 aces. Average men’s matches are three hours, and women’s are two. Tennis dates back to the 12th century. The […]

What’s an Architect of Record?

A registered architect is listed on a building permit for the project they are contracted for. They must meet legal requirements and ensure safety codes are met. Communication and record-keeping are important, and the architect must be accountable for their documentation. A registered architect is a firm or individual architect listed on a building permit […]

Best tips for payroll record retention?

Business owners should know their local payroll record retention laws, keep digital and paper copies, and store paper documents in a fireproof cabinet. Records should be kept for 4-10 years and include taxes, wages, and benefits. Retaining records can help with compliance and audits. Payroll record retention requirements vary greatly from one jurisdiction to the […]

What’s an archive record?

Archive records are interconnected data stored in a database management system. Users can link inputs to a common index or object, allowing for easy retrieval of information. Mobile technology uses storage records for address books and speed dial features. Software applications display information according to predefined sets, and multiple archive records can be stored in […]

Vaccination record card: what is it?

A vaccination record card is a document that records an individual’s vaccinations against diseases, often required for school or travel. It includes the patient’s name, date of birth, vaccine names, and dates received. It is an important part of one’s medical history and can be obtained from the county government department overseeing public health. A […]

What’s a Reverse DNS Record?

Reverse DNS records translate IP addresses into domain names, unlike forward DNS records that translate domain names into IP addresses. They are used for troubleshooting, system monitoring, and anti-spam purposes. PTR records are handled by ISPs, while domain owners are responsible for A records. Matching reverse and forward DNS records can indicate a legitimate domain. […]

Record streaming media?

To record streaming media, you need an internet connection, powerful computer, recording software, and hard drive. Internet speed should be at least 10 MB/s for consistent playback. High-quality hardware and software are required for recording and editing. Consider long-term needs when selecting software. You need four things to record streaming media: an Internet connection, a […]

US space program safety record?

The safety of the US space program is difficult to determine, with fatalities occurring both in space and on the ground. Including accidents, the fatality rate is about 5%, rising to just over 6% when including the Apollo One disaster. The shuttle program has seen the most deaths, with 14 occurring from the Challenger and […]

Record webcast?

To record a webcast, you need a powerful computer, camera, video editing software, and an internet connection. Choose a web hosting service and prepare a script before recording. Practice your script before live streaming. To record a webcast, you must first have the necessary hardware and software to record and broadcast this type of production. […]

What’s a record press?

A record press is a hydraulic press used to produce vinyl records. The process involves creating a reference varnish, making a mold, injecting molten vinyl, and trimming the disc. Quality control is necessary, and safety measures are required for employees. The press can produce records in various colors and sizes. A record press is a […]

School record access?

FERPA is a federal law that protects student privacy and outlines parents’ and students’ rights regarding school records. School districts must allow parents to view and correct their children’s records and notify them of any harmful disclosures. Non-harmful directory information can be disclosed without consent. Parents can request access to records, but non-custodial parents may […]

What’s the oldest age on record?

Registration age is established by a government document or circumstantial evidence. Birth certificates are crucial for government services and benefits, but not everyone has one. Disputes can arise when records are wrong or inaccessible. Courts can set an official age if necessary. A registration age can be an official age established by a government document […]

What’s in a criminal record?

Criminal records vary by country and jurisdiction, but typically include convictions, traffic offenses, and arrest details. Some countries include dismissed charges and innocent verdicts. Other information, such as financial and educational background, may also be included. These records are used to determine trustworthiness for employment, housing, and other benefits. Information about a criminal record, also […]

Criminal record duration?

A felony is a serious crime in the US, with common misdemeanors including robbery, assault, drug possession, and drunk driving. A criminal record can hinder employment, adoption, and loans. Expunging a record varies by jurisdiction and crime type. Felons must meet requirements to expunge their record, including a waiting period and no additional offenses. Legal […]

What’s a criminal record?

A criminal record is a document that contains information about a person’s history with law enforcement. It can include arrests, convictions, and identifying information. Criminal records can be public or sealed, and are often used for background checks in employment and other situations. Some communities have registration requirements for certain types of offenders. A criminal […]

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