What’s a record date in finance?

A record date is when a company identifies shareholders who will receive a dividend. The ex-dividend date is the first day of the ex-dividend period, and the stock price typically decreases by the amount of the dividend. Mutual funds and asset-backed securities also have record dates. Transactions must be settled before the record date for […]

What’s a record keeper?

A record keeper is required by US law for any business that creates and distributes sexually explicit materials. They are responsible for ensuring compliance with child pornography laws and verifying that all performers are over 18. A custodian document affidavit must be included in all adult films produced in the US, and the custodian may […]

What’s a stock record?

A stock register is a database that tracks a company’s stock issues, including information about shareholders, share ownership, and history. It is essential for accurate information about a company’s stocks and their holders, and can also be a valuable historical resource. Shareholders are responsible for ensuring the information on the register is correct. A stock […]

Best tips for electronic record keeping?

Electronic record keeping involves creating a system for backing up important data within a business environment. It is important to consider what needs to be archived in multiple locations and to implement an automatic backup. Verification of backups should also be done regularly to ensure data is saved properly. Electronic record keeping is nothing more […]

What’s the record lifecycle?

Record lifecycle management outlines the stages of a document from creation to destruction, including planning, collection, organization, maintenance, and disposal. Official records include financial and legal information, while anything useful for future reference is retained and stored electronically. Maintenance and protection plans are necessary, and destruction is permitted when data reaches its end of life. […]

What’s a functional record?

Functional records describe a company’s activities and events, capturing unique information in a specific format. They are critical for liability protection and historical evaluation, and examples include incident reports, customer feedback forms, and travel tickets. A functional record, also called an operational record, is a written document that describes a company’s activities and surrounding events. […]

What’s an accounting record?

Accounting records, including invoices and payment receipts, are essential for tracking financial transactions and maintaining accurate ledgers. They are necessary for tax purposes and can be kept manually or electronically using accounting software. An accounting record is any type of electronic or printed document that provides information about the financial status of an individual or […]

What’s a record producer?

A music producer works with artists to produce records, setting artistic direction and controlling quality. They may own a recording studio or work for a label, and play a key role in recording sessions, handling budgets, providing artistic assistance, and promoting albums. Producers can come from various backgrounds and pay rates vary. A music producer […]

How to be a medical record clerk?

Medical records attendants file and update patient records in healthcare facilities. While a high school diploma is usually required, an associate degree in health-related fields and knowledge of medical terminology can improve job prospects. Good organizational and communication skills are also important. Certification as a health information technician can lead to advancement. A medical records […]

Longest hiccups case on record?

Charles Osborne had hiccups for 68 years, hiccuping 20 to 40 times a minute. It is believed he damaged the area of the brainstem responsible for controlling the spasms. His hiccups stopped a year before his death at 97, and doctors couldn’t explain why. Hiccups are an evolutionary mechanism and most remedies disrupt breathing patterns. […]

What’s a record holder?

A registrar keeps track of the owners of securities, such as stocks and bonds, for administrative purposes. The owner may have certain rights, including voting and receiving dividends. The record holder is entitled to dividends on the record date, which is two business days after the purchase date. Record holders can be individuals, corporations, or […]

Med record clerk: job description.

A medical record clerk maintains patient records in a doctor’s office, hospital, or medical billing office. They may transcribe records into digital format, answer phones, assist patients, and forward records to appropriate locations. A high school diploma or equivalent is typically required. A medical record clerk is one who works in the doctor’s office, hospital, […]

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