What’s refractory cancer?

Refractory cancer does not respond to treatments, but patients may be able to find new options through clinical trials or compassionate use of medicines. Oncologists supervise the care of these patients, who may receive supportive treatment to manage symptoms. Refractory cancer is cancer that does not respond to treatments. Individuals with cases of refractory cancer […]

What’s refractory epilepsy?

Refractory epilepsy is a seizure disorder that resists drug treatment, but there is debate about how to define it. Patients with this condition may benefit from exploring alternative treatments with an epilepsy specialist. Refractory epilepsy is a seizure disorder that resists drug treatment. There is some debate among clinicians and researchers about how to define […]

What’s refractory ascites?

Refractory ascites is a condition where fluid accumulates in the abdomen and does not respond to medical treatment. It is often a complication of liver failure and can be managed with dietary changes, diuretics, and shunts. Patients with liver problems should monitor their health and seek treatment if they notice changes. Refractory ascites are accumulations […]

What are refractory metals?

Refractory metals have high melting points, are solid at room temperature, and resist wear and deformation. The five main refractory metals are niobium, molybdenum, tantalum, tungsten, and rhenium, but others are sometimes included. Tungsten is particularly heat-resistant and is used in rocket nose cones, light bulbs, and steel additives. Refractory metals are used in high-performance […]

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