What’s Refrig. Load?

Refrigeration load is the amount of heat that needs to be removed to maintain a desired temperature in a space. It depends on factors such as volume, insulation, and the items inside. Modern refrigerators use liquid ammonia. The refrigeration load is calculated to design an efficient refrigerator or air conditioning unit for a space. Climate, […]

What’s Mech. Refrig.?

Mechanical refrigeration uses a sealed circuit of tubes to circulate fluid, absorbing heat and releasing it elsewhere. The cycle relies on a compressor, condenser, metering device, and evaporator to reduce temperature. While not the most efficient or eco-friendly method, it remains the standard for cooling. Mechanical refrigeration is a method of removing heat from where […]

What’s a Refrig. Tech?

A refrigeration technician assesses and repairs malfunctioning refrigeration units in homes and businesses. They run tests to isolate the source of the problem, disassemble and test parts, and may read blueprints and schematics. Technical education or formal apprenticeship training is usually required. When a refrigeration unit in a home or business requires repair or maintenance, […]

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