Guinness beer and the Guinness Book of Records: related?

The Guinness Book of Records was inspired by Sir Hugh Beaver’s argument about bird speeds on a hunting trip. He partnered with the McWhirter twins to start Guinness Superlatives, which published the first book in 1955. The book holds its own records, including being the most frequently stolen book from libraries and the world’s best-selling […]

Metabolism & exercise: how related?

Metabolism is the process of converting food into energy for the body. Factors such as age, genetics, and exercise influence metabolic rate. Aerobic exercise and muscle-building exercise can increase metabolic rate and burn more calories. Understanding these interactions is important for weight control. Metabolism is the combination of biological processes and chemical reactions that occur […]

Arthropod groups: how are they related?

Arthropods are a diverse group of animals with over a million described species and an estimated 6 to 7 million in total. They have a hard exoskeleton, segmented bodies, and an open circulatory system. Arthropod phylogeny is a volatile scientific topic, and opinions keep changing. Arthropods are almost universally considered monophyletic. There are currently two […]

Dopamine & norepinephrine: how related?

Dopamine and norepinephrine are neurotransmitters that are related and often affected in depression. Dopamine creates norepinephrine, and pharmaceutical companies have developed drugs that target both receptors. However, too much of these neurotransmitters can cause negative effects. Dopamine and norepinephrine are, along with serotonin, related because they are three very important neurotransmitters that are the major […]

Org culture & strategy: how related?

Organizational culture and strategy are related, as a company’s culture influences its strategy. A strong culture can lead to an effective strategy, while a weak culture can hinder a company’s success. Culture and strategy also contribute to a company’s reach and longevity in a competitive market. Organizational culture and strategy are related because organizational strategy […]

Bipolar & schizophrenia: how related?

Bipolar disorder and schizophrenia share similarities in genetic causative factors, symptoms, and treatments. Both often develop in late adolescence or early adulthood and can be controlled with medication. Family history of one disorder increases the risk of developing the other. Although bipolar and schizophrenia are still, for the most part, considered to be two distinct […]

What’s a related party deal?

Related party transactions occur between parties with a relationship, creating potential conflicts of interest. Publicly traded companies must disclose them. Decisions on such transactions consider benefits, value, and legality. Non-reporting companies may transact with related parties, but it can be criticized. A related party transaction is a business transaction conducted between two parties who have […]

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