What’s Relational Frame Theory?

Relational frame theory explains how humans infer relationships between objects using language and symbolic relationships. It expands on BF Skinner’s theories of behaviorism and highlights the unique cognitive learning tool of language possessed by humans. Humans can infer relationships using imagination and experience, while non-human organisms can only identify relationships through conditioning. Relational frame theory […]

What’s a relational DBMS?

Relational database management systems (RDBMS) store data in tables and use SQL for access and modification. They can be used for inventory, employee, customer data, and more. RDBMSs use primary, unique, and foreign keys for data recovery and can have different types of tables. Indexes can speed up data recovery. A relational database management system […]

What’s a Relational DB?

Relational databases store data in tables with relationships between them, based on principles of relational algebra. Keys differentiate data and tables can be linked in various ways. Data is organized through normalization and manipulated using SQL. RDBMS is the most commonly used database format, with Oracle, IBM, and Microsoft being the leading companies. A relational […]

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