Types of relaxation techniques?

Relaxation techniques like meditation, yoga, and acupuncture can help with sleep disorders, stress, and mental health. Patients may need to try different techniques to find what works for them, and may need guidance from a professional. Some techniques can be done independently, while others require a trained practitioner. Persistence is key, as initial discomfort may […]

What’s a relaxation response?

The relaxation response is a technique developed by Dr. Herb Benson that uses the mind’s ability to control the body’s responses to overcome stress, pain, and anxiety. It can be used for various conditions, including anxiety disorders, pain management, addiction, and high blood pressure, but should not be considered a cure-all. The relaxation response is […]

Bonding & relaxation techniques?

Bonding and Relaxation Techniques (BART) use gentle touch to help parents bond with their special needs children, based on the parenting theories of Virnala McClure and developed by Evelyn Guyer. BART can improve physical and emotional development, and help parents connect with their children. One of the simplest yet most innovative methods to help parents […]

What’s Progressive Relaxation?

Progressive relaxation is a stress management technique that involves consciously relaxing muscle groups in the body. It was pioneered by Dr. Edmund Jacobson and involves tensing and releasing muscle groups in sequence. It can help with insomnia, anxiety disorders, high blood pressure, ulcers, and irritability. It’s important to use it in conjunction with other treatments […]

What’s Pelvic Relaxation?

Pelvic relaxation occurs when a woman’s pelvic floor muscles become weak or damaged, leading to discomfort and potential organ prolapse. Symptoms include pain, pressure, and urinary incontinence. Treatment includes exercises, medication, and surgery. Aging and childbirth are common causes. Kegel exercises and pessaries can help, while severe cases may require surgery. Pelvic relaxation is a […]

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