Is glucose tolerance test reliable for diabetes?

A glucose tolerance test measures how an individual’s system responds to high sugar and can diagnose gestational diabetes effectively. It may need to be administered multiple times for type two diabetes diagnosis. Test results can be affected by other underlying diseases or conditions. A glucose tolerance test for diabetes is more effective in diagnosing gestational […]

Is absentee voting reliable?

Postal voting may not be reliable as many votes disappear during the election period due to delivery problems, errors, and inability to return ballots. 25% of all ballots are absentee, with the same number unaccounted for. Only 57% of voters who mailed in their ballots in 2008 were confident their votes were counted. Those who […]

Reliable dial-up Internet service: how?

Dial-up Internet service is still an option for light users looking to cut costs. Look for a company without contracts, acceleration services, and a flat fee for unlimited access. Make sure you have a quality modem. Companies offering broadband may also offer competitive dial-up service. Dial-up Internet service is one of the original ways home […]

Reliable dry cleaner: how to choose?

Choosing a reliable dry cleaner is important. Consider customer service, timeliness, appearance of clothes, additional services, and “green” options. Look for a clean shop, punctuality, proper cleaning and pressing, and repairs. “Green” dry cleaning is gentler and better for the environment. Choosing a reliable dry cleaner is a must, as many of us own clothing […]

Choose reliable geothermal energy facts?

Finding accurate facts about geothermal energy can be difficult due to conflicting information. To increase reliability, consider the source and bias, follow the money, look for ample supporting evidence, and consider the age of the information. There is a lot of conflicting information available on geothermal energy, which can make finding the most accurate facts […]

Is DNA swab test reliable?

DNA testing uses cheek swabs to collect genetic material from cells, which can determine paternity with 99.99% accuracy. The test is non-invasive and can be performed on newborns. Home versions are available but not legally binding, and court-ordered tests must be done under controlled circumstances. A DNA test examines the genetic material, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), […]

Is DNA profile reliable?

DNA profiling is widely used in legal systems, but its reliability is questioned by scientists and statisticians. DNA contains unique information, making it a powerful tool for identifying suspects. The process compares selected areas of DNA to determine a match, with the FBI using 13 core loci. The commonly accepted method for determining reliability is […]

Drug dogs: How reliable?

Drug and bomb sniffing dogs used by law enforcement agencies have an accuracy rate of about 44%. The training of the dog and handler can affect the accuracy. There is no established training and certification process, and dogs can be influenced by their handler’s beliefs. A dog’s performance can affect legal proceedings. Many law enforcement […]

Are grammar checkers reliable?

Grammar checkers on word processors are unreliable and can change correct words to incorrect ones. Fiction writers may have more issues as they use unconventional language. Proofreading is still necessary to catch errors. Grammar checkers can be helpful for short documents but may make unintended changes to formatting. Many writers are often tempted to simply […]

Are punctuation checkers reliable?

Punctuation checkers vary in reliability due to factors such as the software used and the type of errors found. They can be useful, but not perfect, and careful proofreading is recommended. Some errors may be missed, and false positives can occur. Combining punctuation and spell-checking programs is advised. The reliability of punctuation checkers depends on […]

Reliable gold investment advice: where to find?

Professional investment advisors, registered to provide financial advice, offer reliable gold investment advice free from conflict of interest. They provide services for a fee and can be found through rating services. Advisors with hands-on experience investing in gold are the most reputable. The most reliable gold investment advice will come from a professional, which may […]

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