What drives repetition compulsion?

Repetition compulsion is when a patient relives a past traumatic event, often experiencing the same emotions as when it originally occurred. This can happen through dreams, hallucinations, or constantly talking about the event. Some psychologists believe it is an attempt to overcome the past, but treatment varies depending on the therapist’s approach. Repetition compulsion is […]

What’s the role of repetition in poetry?

Repetition is a common component of poetry used to achieve different purposes, such as emphasizing a point or making a poem easier to memorize. It can also refer to the repetition of specific sounds to produce effects like alliteration or rhyme. Repetition can be used on a larger scale to bring unity to a collection […]

What’s speech repetition?

Repetition of speech is important for language acquisition, starting with babbling at 12 weeks and progressing to monologues at age two. Carl Wernicke claimed that speech repetition is necessary for learning language. The brain has two streams of cortical processing for language acquisition, with mirror neurons linking repetition and perception. Repetition also leads to regional […]

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