What’s Multi-Master Replication?

Multi-master replication allows multiple copies of a database to be used and updated by many users in a decentralized manner. Changes are broadcast to all computers on the network, providing redundant backups and decentralized architecture. There are two types of multi-master replication: synchronous and asynchronous. Synchronous replication updates all copies of a database in real-time, […]

CD Replication vs Duplication: What’s the difference?

CD replication creates an exact copy of the original master, while duplication burns data onto a disc. Replication is better for large quantities and professional packaging, while duplication is cheaper for small runs. Replication involves creating a glass master and injection molding, resulting in high-quality copies. The cost of replication is mainly in setup fees, […]

What’s Viral Replication?

Viral replication is the process by which a virus reproduces within a living organism, turning infected cells into virus factories that make copies of the virus’s genetic code and excrete them to spread in the host body. Different types of viruses have different ways of entering the cell body or fusing with the cell wall, […]

What’s DNA replication?

DNA replication is the process by which genetic information is accurately duplicated within living cells. DNA is made up of two strands of nucleotides, held together by hydrogen bonds between complementary base pairs. Enzymes work to split the strands and unwind the DNA, allowing for the addition of new nucleotides to form a new double-stranded […]

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