What’s repressed anger?

Anger is a natural emotion that can be expressed healthily through words or actions, but suppressing it can lead to physical and emotional problems, including depression and resentment. Repressed anger can also harm relationships and intimacy, and may contribute to physical health problems. It is important to handle anger properly and express it in a […]

What’s a repressed memory?

Repressed memories are blocked from conscious thought, often involving traumatic events such as childhood abuse. Dissociative amnesia is a diagnosable mental disorder related to repressed memories, often causing depression or anxiety. Memories can resurface spontaneously or through therapy, but the ethics and effectiveness of memory retrieval techniques are disputed. A repressed memory is one that […]

What’s repressed anger?

Repressed anger is anger that is not expressed or addressed at the time it arises, and can lead to mental and physical illness. People who struggle with it often have trouble managing anger in a healthy way and may fear expressing their feelings. It can lead to violent outbursts, passive-aggressive behavior, and resentment. Victims of […]

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