Has 10 Downing Street housed a non-official resident?

10 Downing Street was named after George Downing and became the residence of the First Lord of the Treasury in 1735. It serves as a home, office, and official reception venue. The first resident was Mr. Chicken, and Sir Robert Walpole was the first First Lord of the Treasury. It is a common misconception that […]

Resident manager’s role?

A resident manager helps people in dorms, hotels, or apartments, with duties varying depending on the size of the complex or community. They handle property maintenance, rent collection, tenant communication, and dispute resolution. The position requires 24/7 availability and may require a high school diploma or a bachelor’s degree. A resident manager often helps people […]

What’s a resident virus?

Resident viruses embed themselves in a computer’s memory and infect files when the operating system performs a specific function. They can attach themselves to antivirus programs, making them difficult to remove. Virus designers consider infection rate when developing a virus, with some moving quickly and others more slowly. Removing a resident virus may require specialized […]

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