File harassment restraining order?

A harassment restraining order can be filed when a person feels harassed by another. The procedure and definition of harassment vary by jurisdiction. A petitioner must prove harassment, and a hearing will be scheduled to convince the court to issue the order. When a person feels harassed by another person, the option to file for […]

Get a domestic violence restraining order?

A domestic violence restraining order limits an abuser’s interactions with the victim and can be obtained by filing in county court or through an emergency protection order. Assistance is available from domestic violence agencies, law enforcement, and court clerks. After obtaining the order, the abuser must be served, which can be done through a process […]

Common types of restraining orders?

Restraining orders prevent contact between people in unstable situations, such as domestic or elder abuse, workplace harassment, and stalking. There are different types and durations of restraining orders, including emergency, temporary, and permanent. Domestic, civil, and elder abuse orders exist. Victims should contact law enforcement immediately. Restraining orders help prevent contact between two people in […]

What’s a harassment restraining order?

A harassment restraining order is a legal document that requires an individual or organization to stop abusive behavior. Evidence, such as police reports and affidavits, should be provided when filing for the order. A temporary restraining order can be requested until the hearing. It is different from a protective order, which is used to protect […]

What’s a temp restraining order?

A temporary restraining order (TRO) is a court order used to stop harassment, stalking or other illegal actions. It is effective for a short time and specifies how close a person can get to another. TROs are common in divorce cases, child abuse, and harassment at work. Making a TRO permanent requires sufficient evidence and […]

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