Housing bias in America: role of restrictive covenants?

Restrictive covenants were used to create segregated neighborhoods in the US, particularly affecting black and Asian Americans. The Fair Housing Act of 1968 made it illegal to enforce racially motivated covenants, but some neighborhood associations still use them to maintain property values. The Act also provides protections for people looking for properties to rent or […]

Types of Restrictive Order Forms?

Restraining orders come in three types: temporary, emergency, and standing. They require basic information about the accuser and defendant, and a judicial review. Violators can be arrested and charged. Temporary orders are for short-term behavior, emergency orders provide immediate protection, and standing orders are for long-term protection. They are usually filed in court and can […]

What’s restrictive monetary policy?

Tight monetary policy is used to slow down the growth rate of an economy and curb inflation. In the US, the Federal Reserve increases short-term interest rates and sells Treasuries to achieve this. The goal is to keep the economy stable and prevent financial hardship for consumers. A tight monetary policy is a strategy that […]

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