Report whistleblower retaliation: how?

Whistleblowers who report irregularities at work may face retaliation, but can sue their employer for damages if they live in a country with whistleblower retaliation laws. It is important to document the case and contact an attorney or employment counsel as soon as possible. Federal and state laws protect whistleblowers, and it is important to […]

What are retaliation claims?

Retaliatory lawsuits are brought by employees who have suffered negative consequences for reporting illegal or unethical behavior by their employer. These lawsuits typically involve actions such as demotion, termination, or harassment. National labor laws vary, but often protect whistleblowers. Successful litigants must demonstrate a direct link between their reporting actions and the retaliation they experienced. […]

What’s workplace retaliation?

Workplace retaliation occurs when an employer takes negative action against an employee for exercising their rights. In the US, laws protect employees from retaliation for reporting violations, filing claims, or joining a union. Employees can speak with their supervisor or file a complaint if they experience retaliation. Workplace retaliation occurs when an employer takes adverse […]

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