What’s Cognitive Robotics?

Cognitive robotics creates AI robots that can think, learn, and perform tasks. They have senses to perceive the world and a complex skeleton to react to external stimuli. AI allows them to learn from incoming information and revise their thinking. Motivation is added directly or through the AI system. Cognitive robotics is a branch of […]

Recent robotics advancements?

Robotics is a growing field with recent advances including a finely tuned robotic arm, self-driving cars, and brain-controlled prosthetic arms. Billions are spent on research annually, with the most advanced robots used by the military. Robotic arms are used in manufacturing, and it’s possible they could replace soldiers for certain tasks. Robotics has yet to […]

AI & robotics: what’s the link?

AI and robotics are often used together to create machines that resemble humans and animals. AI can make robots “smarter”. They are separate fields, with AI emulating human thought and robotics engineering machines that move. Combining the two creates robots that move and “think” intelligently. This has led to the development of toys, experimental robots, […]

What’s an exoskeleton in Robotics?

Exoskeletons are powered suits that amplify human strength and speed, gaining attention from the military and robotics-oriented Asian countries. The first serious attempt to build one was in 1965, but recent advances have led to successful prototypes. Exoskeletons have potential applications in military and medical care, but face hurdles in improving power-to-weight ratios and battery […]

Swarm robotics: what is it?

Swarm robotics uses many simple robots to perform complex tasks, similar to a colony of ants or bees. It is scalable and has high fault tolerance. Applications include mapping, search and rescue, mining, firefighting, and even human medicine. Swarm robotics is an approach to robotics that emphasizes many simple robots instead of a single complex […]

Robotics history?

The concept of robotics dates back to ancient Greece, with examples such as mechanical servants of the god Hephaestus and Architas’ steam-powered bird. The Industrial Revolution saw automation in cloth production and Charles Babbage’s prototype of the “Difference Engine”. The modern era began in 1959 with the founding of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT, […]

How to be a robotics engineer?

To become a robotics engineer in the US, a bachelor’s degree in engineering is required, with specializations in electronic, mechanical, or industrial engineering. Advanced degrees and computer science experience can also be beneficial. Seek assistance from college career placement services and be prepared to work in noisy environments and independently or as part of a […]

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