What’s Roe v. Wade?

Roe v Wade legalized first trimester abortion in America in 1973, protected by a citizen’s right to privacy. The decision set a national standard for states to follow, but later court decisions undermined portions of it. The decision is controversial and has been appealed many times. Roe v Wade was a landmark Supreme Court decision […]

What’s ROE?

Return on Net Worth (RONW) measures the portion of net income returned as a percentage of shareholder equity. Calculations can vary, but RONW is important to assess whether a company is making the best use of resources and identify unfavorable changes early on. It can also be used to assess progress within a given period. […]

What’s ROE?

Return on equity is a key measure of profitability for companies, calculated by dividing net income by shareholder net worth. Different formulas can be used, including the DuPont formula, but investors should also consider other factors before investing. Consulting a financial advisor is recommended. Return on equity is the net income a company produces divided […]

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