Who is Janus in Roman mythology?

Janus is the Roman god of doors, beginnings, change, and transition. He is depicted with two or four faces and was originally the guardian of gates. Janus was also associated with warfare, the end, and was often worshipped at important life events. In modern times, Janus is used as a metaphor for the complex nature […]

What’s Roman Catholicism?

Catholicism means belonging to the universal church, but Roman Catholicism specifically refers to the Christian Church in full communion with the Pope. It believes in the resurrection of Jesus, the Pope’s infallibility, and divine mysteries. The sacraments include Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Marriage. The word “Catholic” comes […]

What’s the Roman Republic?

The Roman Republic began in 509 BC after the overthrow of the monarchy. It was a government system with checks and balances, three branches of government, a senate, and an assembly. The two consuls were the most powerful politicians, controlling the army and administering the government. The senate managed finances and foreign policy, while the […]

Roman aqueducts: what to know?

The Romans built a vast network of aqueducts across Europe to transport water to cities, industrial works, and farms. There were 11 major aqueducts, stretching 260 miles, with shapes dictated by the lay of the land. The aqueducts included pipes, canals, and elevated structures to raise water pressure. They were lined with special concrete to […]

Roman chair exercises: what are they?

A Roman chair is exercise equipment used to strengthen the back, legs, and core. It holds the lower body in place during movements and exercises can focus on different muscles. The most popular exercise is the lower back extension, but there are variations for those with spinal injuries. Other exercises target the obliques and quadratus […]

What’s the Roman Wall in London?

The Roman Wall of London was a fortification built to protect Londinium, with six major gates and a moat. It enclosed 330 acres and was built in the 2nd century AD. The wall had administrative facilities, housed prisoners and guards, and was locked at night. It remained until the 18th century, and some sections still […]

Main elements of Roman mythology?

Roman mythology was heavily influenced by Greek culture, with the Romans incorporating Greek gods into their own religion. The founding of Rome is a central myth, featuring the twin brothers Romulus and Remus, born from the union between Rhea Silvia and the god Mars. Romulus killed Remus and founded Rome with refugees and criminals, later […]

Roman and Greek mythology: what’s the link?

Roman and Greek mythology share similarities, but differences go beyond just renaming central characters. Greek mythology is a Hellenistic soap opera, while Roman mythology merged with Greek over time. Differences include the roles of Ares and Mars, with the latter being a multitasking god who used war to talk about peace. Other differences include personality […]

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