What’s a Folded Over Row?

The bent-over row is a weight-training exercise that works the latissimus dorsi muscles and should only be performed by advanced lifters or under supervision. The lifter should choose a comfortable weight, grip the bar with hands facing forward, and lift the bar to the chest while keeping the back straight. Variations include using dumbbells. A […]

What’s a pipeline ROW?

A pipeline right-of-way is a permanent easement that allows utilities to use private and public property to install and maintain pipelines. It restricts land use and prohibits certain activities, but low-impact activities are allowed. The easement can be established through an agreement or a lawsuit, and the utility must pay for relocation. Warning signs are […]

Origins of “put your ducks in a row”?

“Get your ducks in a row” means to ensure all details are accounted for before starting a project. The origin is uncertain, with theories including bowling pins, mother ducks, carnival games, and the V formation of flying ducks. Lining up your ducks essentially means making sure all the little details or elements are accounted for […]

What’s a “hard row to hoe”?

“A hard row to hoe” is an English phrase that refers to a challenging task that requires dedication and hard work. It is often related to gardening and the need for persistence, consistency, and dedication to achieve a successful harvest. This can apply to personal situations, such as balancing work and college expenses, or business […]

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