Pol. vs. legal ruling: what’s the diff?

Judges sometimes use political judgment, which considers factors outside the law, to make decisions. This can be based on the intent of the legislator or if enforcing certain rules would have negative effects. Legal judgments come from a direct interpretation of the law. Courts consider many different things when they pass judgment in a particular […]

What’s the ruling ideology?

Marxist theory states that dominant ideologies are shaped by those in power, leading the working class to accept inequality as natural. Consumerism is a result of this ideology. However, modern philosophers and human rights organizations focus on workers’ rights and creating equal distribution of power and wealth. The dominant ideology is rooted in Karl Marx’s […]

What’s ruling with an iron fist?

“Rule with an iron fist” means having absolute control over others, often in the workplace, parenting, or governing. It can be effective in high-risk jobs but detrimental to morale in entry-level positions. Parents impose strict rules, and national leaders impose laws that limit citizens’ lives. Ruling with an iron fist generally means demanding absolute control […]

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