Best short sale training? How?

The best short sale training involves working with an expert, but courses and books can also be helpful. Online training is available, but live courses are preferred. The CDPE designation is a valuable option for real estate professionals. Investors can find short sale experts through REIA or the internet. Short sales can be frustrating, but […]

What’s an auction sale?

Auction sales involve selling personal or commercial property to bidders for the highest price. They can be conducted online or in person, and offer buyers the chance to find bargains. Auctions allow sellers to get the maximum financial return for their property. Auction sales are events in which personal or commercial property and merchandise are […]

Sale date?

On-sale date is the day a book, magazine, album, or film is released for sale. It is usually on Tuesdays and heavily promoted products have strict enforcement. Violating on-sale dates can result in hefty fines and penalties. Embargoed books are labeled and kept in staff-only areas. Access to products before on-sale dates is restricted and […]

What’s an inside sale?

Internal operations are carried out within a company, such as brokerage and financing, bookkeeping, payroll, and property sales. Some companies choose to keep operations in-house for flexibility, such as an inside sale where only one broker is involved. Real estate brokers mediate between buyers and sellers, guiding them through the purchase process. Real estate agents […]

What’s a loan sale?

A loan sale is when a loan holder sells the loan to interested parties, often generating immediate cash for the institution. In some cases, a government-sponsored financial institution conducts a loan sale when a bank fails. Borrowers are usually notified once the loan sale is complete, and the sale does not require borrowers to be […]

What’s an endowment sale?

An endowment sale is when a policyholder sells their regular savings and life insurance policy. It can be done personally or through an auction/market maker. There are two types of policies: unit-linked and with profit. Cashing out should be considered carefully, with alternatives explored first. An endowment sale is a transaction that takes place when […]

What’s a group sale?

A group sale involves all members of a syndicate participating in the sale of a specific lot of securities, with proceeds divided proportionally. The syndicate administrator handles the process, typically involving institutional investors, and the sale is often focused on transactions within institutions. A group sale is a type of security sale in which all […]

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