What’s an epithelioid sarcoma?

Epithelioid sarcoma is a rare type of sarcoma that usually occurs in the fingers, hands, or forearms. Symptoms include a small, hard lump under the skin that can mimic other conditions. Treatment involves radical resection and radiation therapy, with a risk of recurrence and metastases. Prognosis depends on tumor size, age, and sex of the […]

Causes of spindle cell sarcoma?

Spindle cell sarcomas are soft tissue tumors that can be caused by genetic mutations, exposure to radiation or chemicals, trauma, inflammation, or infection. Genetic testing is important in diagnosis and genetic engineering may provide effective therapies in the future. Kaposi’s sarcoma is an infection-related sarcoma that occurs in patients with AIDS and herpes virus type […]

What’s a uterine sarcoma?

Uterine sarcoma is a rare type of cancerous tumor that affects the connective tissue or smooth muscle of the uterus. Symptoms include pain, abnormal vaginal discharge, and swelling. Treatment options include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and hormone therapy. The prognosis is usually poor, and a hysterectomy is the preferred treatment. A type of cancerous tumor […]

What’s soft tissue sarcoma?

Soft tissue sarcoma is a rare cancer that affects the soft tissue or supporting structures of the body, with the first sign being a lump or swelling. It can be diagnosed through a biopsy and treated with chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery. It is associated with certain genetic disorders and environmental factors. Soft tissue sarcoma […]

Vaccine sarcoma: what is it?

Vaccine-related sarcoma is a malignant cancer that can occur in cats, dogs, and ferrets after receiving certain vaccines. The rabies and feline leukemia virus vaccines are the most closely associated with this condition. If suspected, a biopsy and lumpectomy are performed, followed by chemotherapy and radiation. While the risk is real, it is important to […]

What’s Kaposi’s sarcoma?

Kaposi’s sarcoma is a cancer of the cells lining blood or lymph vessels, identified by purplish or reddish-brown lesions on the skin. It is caused by the Kaposi’s sarcoma herpes virus and is often associated with AIDS. There are four types of KS, and treatment options include radiation, chemotherapy, surgery, and immunotherapy. Kaposi sarcoma (KS) […]

What’s a sarcoma tumor?

Sarcoma tumors are malignant growths that can develop in connective tissue, including muscle, bone, fat, and cartilage. They can metastasize and be fatal, so early diagnosis is crucial. Treatment includes excision and drug therapy. Biopsies are used to confirm the diagnosis and identify the type of connective tissue involved. A sarcoma tumor is a malignant […]

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