Sauna safety tips?

Saunas provide health benefits but safety is important. Sauna heaters should have a guardrail, no locking devices on doors, and proper ventilation. Pregnant women, those on prescription drugs, and people with certain health conditions should consult a doctor before using a sauna. If feeling uncomfortable, exit immediately and never use alone. Saunas provide a variety […]

Sauna vs. steam room: differences?

Steam rooms and saunas are both used for relaxation and can be found in health clubs, gyms, and spas. However, they differ in their heating systems, materials, and humidity levels. Saunas are heated by a traditional or infrared heater, while steam rooms use a steam generator. Saunas are made of untreated wood, while steam rooms […]

Sauna etiquette: how to behave?

Proper sauna etiquette includes showering before entering, using a towel, sitting or lying down depending on space, keeping conversation to a minimum, and being mindful of creating steam. Always follow posted rules and remove belongings when leaving. The sauna is a great way to relax and loosen up your muscles after a good workout, and […]

Sauna for weight loss?

Saunas cause temporary weight loss due to sweating and water loss, but this is easily recovered by drinking fluids. Saunas are not as effective as aerobic activity for weight loss. Athletes may use saunas to lose weight for weight-class sports. Fluid replacement is important when using a sauna to avoid dehydration. Saunas are generally safe, […]

What’s an infrared sauna?

Infrared saunas use electromagnetic radiation to heat the body directly, with claimed benefits including detoxification, stress reduction, and pain relief. While some studies have shown positive results, more research is needed, and those with certain medical conditions should avoid using them. An infrared sauna heats itself using infrared radiant heat or electromagnetic radiation with a […]

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