What’s a Malignant Schwannoma?

Schwann cells produce myelin sheaths that cover peripheral nerves. A Schwannoma is a tumor made up of Schwann cells that wraps around a neuron. A malignant Schwannoma is a cancerous type of Schwannoma. Most Schwannomas are benign, but about 1% become malignant. A malignant Schwannoma is typically treated with surgery, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy. Schwann […]

What’s a Schwannoma?

Schwannomas are benign tumors that arise from Schwann cells, which are involved in nerve cell functioning. They can affect cranial nerves, causing symptoms such as hearing loss, facial numbness, and difficulty swallowing. Treatment involves surgical removal, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. A schwannoma, also called a neurilemmoma, is a slow-growing, benign mass or tumor arising from […]

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