What’s a Scrum Master’s role?

Scrum is a software development methodology that emphasizes communication and collaboration. The Scrum Master acts as an intermediary to ensure effective communication and collaboration between the product owner and team members. The Scrum Master is responsible for the process, including rule enforcement and decision-making related to the productivity of the team. The Scrum Master also […]

How to become a Scrum Master?

Becoming a Scrum Master requires education, certification, and experience in software development and Scrum. Communication skills, motivation, and the ability to facilitate are also important. A bachelor’s degree in computer science and training in Scrum are required, while a master’s degree and certification can provide an advantage. Jobs are found working for project owners or […]

What’s Scrum?

Scrum is an agile methodology for project management that requires teams to work in a cyclical, incremental process. It can be applied to any business activity and involves a backlog of tasks, sprint backlogs, and a self-organizing team. The product owner provides direction, while the scrum master removes obstacles. Scrum is empirical and time-efficient. The […]

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