Women’s self-defense in early 1900s?

Women in the early 20th century fought against “spinners” and prepared for unwanted advances with hat pins and parasols. This was a liberating time for women who enjoyed more freedoms outside the home, rejecting the idea of dressing modestly to avoid unwanted attention. The Chicago City Council attempted to ban long hat pins, but activists […]

Law enforcement self-defense: what’s involved?

Law enforcement self-defense involves an officer acting in self-defense, resulting in injury or death of another person. Officers must follow the same self-defense restrictions as private citizens and use reasonable force. The officer must feel threatened and act appropriately to the situation. Reasonable force varies and is defined by the judge or jury, not the […]

Self-defense for kids: yes or no?

Self-defense classes can be beneficial for children’s safety, but finding a balance between teaching safety without scaring them is important. Parents can teach preliminary self-defense, and experts recommend classes for children aged 6-12. Instructors should be vetted, and parents should take refresher courses. Child-friendly resources are also available. Most parents are deeply concerned about their […]

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