Causes of self-harm?

Self-harm, such as cutting or burning, is caused by various factors including mental illness, environmental issues, genetic conditions, substance abuse, and deliberate acts to draw attention or manipulate others. It is often a temporary refuge from emotional pain but can lead to further emotional turmoil. Any deliberate action taken with the intent to harm yourself […]

Teen self-harm signs?

Adolescents who self-harm often exhibit changes in personality, sleep habits, and academic performance, and may have difficulties with relationships. Self-harm can range from cutting to ingesting harmful objects and is often associated with psychiatric diagnoses. Treatment may include medication, hospitalization, and therapy to eliminate self-injurious behavior and minimize the risk of relapse. Adolescents who self-harm […]

What’s self-harm?

Self-harm is a coping mechanism in response to stress, trauma, or depression. Women are more likely to self-harm than men, and it can take many forms, including cutting, burning, and ingesting poison. Treatment includes talk therapy and medication. Self-harm is a condition in which someone deliberately inflicts harm on themselves, but not with the intent […]

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